Amrita Sher-Gil’s paintings are a reflection of her extraordinary childhood
by Soumitra Das Published in The Wire, December 2017
Amrita's works, on display at the Kasturbhai Lalbhai Museum in Ahmedabad, adumbrate her strong personality, sexuality and sensibility as a young artist.
Amrita Sher-Gil: Portraits and Reveries, an exhibition of Amrita Sher-Gil’s (1913-1941)
read more Amrita Sher-Gil
by N. Iqbal Singh Published in Roopa Lekha, Vol 53, 1982, p. 47-59
When Amrita Sher-Gil returned to India in 1934, after many years’ sojourn in Paris, where she had learnt to paint and had already achieved international fame as a painter, the arts in India, particularly painting and sculpture, were in a state of real
read more Notes towards a biography of Amrita Sher-Gil
by Charles Fabri There is an impression abroad that contemporaries of a great artist, friends and associates, who knew him (or her) intimately, are likely and capable of writing the most authentic biography, the most reliable testimony and interpretation of his art and his personality. I greatly doubt this.
read more The Art of Amrita Sher-Gil
by J.P Foulds Amrita Sher-Gil’s father, Sardar Umrao Singh Sher-Gil, who comes of an old and noble family of the Punjab, is a great scholar, keenly interested in the study of comparative religion and philosophy. A man of retiring and scholarly temperament, yet a pioneer of the religious and social emancipatory movement,
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