Pastiche as Postscript: The recent works of Manu Parekh
by Ketaki Varma In an interview some years ago, artist Manu Parekh described his work as a reflection of his personality: “I, as a human being, have an energy that comes out in my work.” [1] This assertion comes to mind as one encounters the recently-concluded exhibition of Parekh’s latest works at the Lalit Kala Academy
read more A conversation with Manu Parekh
by Annapurna Garimella FORMATION
Annapurna Garimella: What does it mean to be an artist working in his seventies? You started painting when you were sixteen and have been making art for seven decades. What does making art mean to you today?
Manu Parekh: My first reaction to your question is that I still feel excited.
read more Dream of a Dialogue: Masculinity, Sexuality and Modernity
by Annapurna Garimella Flowers from Heaven XIV is a large, luscious painting. It has two central foci; on the left is a moth-like creature clinging or even stuck in a flowery mandala which radiates from its purple centre through its lilac and then pink outer circles to finally unravel into red and white streaming lines
read more The Flower Child is Back
by Niyatee Shinde Manu Parekh is back in the gallery with his ‘flower of Benaras’. The painter with those brutish expressionistic strokes returns to Bombay after a decade with a show which opens at the Jehangir today. Niyatee Shinde probes his psyche.
Although he started painting at the age of five, Manu
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