
Late Style and Naked Representation in the Works by K.G. Subramanyan

by  Parul Dave Mukherji

The maturity of the late works of significant artists does not resemble the kind one finds in fruit. They are, for the most part, not round, but fur-rowed, even ravaged.

…and they show more traces of history than of growth.

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Art History and Its Discontents in Global Times

by  Parul Dave Mukherji

We thank the Clark Studies in Visual Arts, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA, for permission to reprint this article.

What becomes of art history when the world shrinks into a planet? Art History in the wake of globalization has become more a matter of traversal of space than teleology. This broadening

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Ebrahim Alkazi : An Anachronistic Cosmopolitan Nationalist

by  Parul Dave Mukherji

It was at the the celebration of Ebrahim Alkazi’s 90th birthday five years ago, when I met him for the last time. His loving family had organized the event on a grand scale and there was even a stage for him to preside from. Seeing that a crowd of people was thronging around him, I decided

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