A World to Be at Home In by Gayatri Sinha
Resistance and Resilience: New Works by Shilpa Gupta and Gauri Gill by Shankar Tripathi
Asim Waqif: Working within the Institutional Frame by Gayatri Sinha
Prajakta Potnis’s Lucid Nightmares of a Dystopian Reality by Anindo Sen
Lie Machine: In Conversation with Moonis Ijlal by Arundhati Bhan
The Queen in Her Chamber by Olu Oguibe
Between certain forms of life and what is living by Daniela Zyman
(Un)MYthU: Byproducts of twenty years of performance by Jesal Thacker
"We are now discovering how limited and small our lives can be" by Critical Collective
100 Years of Kala Bhavan: Interview with Mithu Sen by Critical Collective